A really really fun game. Was awfully short though. Instead of making 10 sequels (like the dude said) try to make a couple of long games.
A really really fun game. Was awfully short though. Instead of making 10 sequels (like the dude said) try to make a couple of long games.
It was nice but kinda lame and easy...
Omg that game is so awsome...!!! The real one is gonna rock so much!!! Good job and keep up the awsome work!!
Thx for this great game but it was a bit too easy.
That was a good tutorial but Only one thing didnt work... My Mario would go up and out of the screen if I held the UP key. Why? And how do you fix it? A response would be apreciated...
You must be doing stuff wrong,because the code was fixed for Flash MX 2004...
Really Great game xept make the enemy a bit more visible cause i tend not to be able to see them
It's a pretty good game xept it gets VERY repetitive
It Was alright
Yea Fine stuff, but also easy stuff the flash user can EASILY learn by its own. Still good though.
Thanks for the review! The tutorial was aimed at people new to Flash as a guide to help them :D
Man u really put lots of effort into this...I think this is awsome cause I just got flash and I'm only a newb and your thing holds about everything there is to know about it (Xept Button, Which i might have missed but wtv) Good Job!!
There are scripts in it to put in a button, in the action script basics thing im saying that you can covert a drawing into a button and put a script like a gotoandplay action inside it, Guess you missed it :P
Thanks for the 10!
I really liked it and waited long for this but i think theres not that much to do...Still liked it though...Keep doing games for the good of newgrounds!
Im a newbie flash artist, 12 years old and I like Final Fantasy and Zelda Games... I play guitar and many sports (Soccer, Football, Rugby ect.) I am on everyday and I am very active.
Age 32, Male
Joined on 4/17/05